There is no substitute for personal coaching

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“Put simply, Bee Gregorie saved my Ironman distance triathlon campaign. I had entered the Nottingham Outlaw triathlon on 7th July 2013 and, armed with the definitive text on doing Ironmans, with training plans included, I began my journey to becoming an Ironman in January! I lasted 3 weeks by myself!

As it all began falling apart around me I knew I needed to get help, and quick. So I asked Bee if she’d take me on! I knew her through Kent Velo Girls who I cycle with and knew that she offered coaching. Within a couple of weeks my whole situation had turned around. Bee offers everything that a book can’t give you: a personal plan built around your weekly demands (for me, being a working mum).

The plan builds as you go through so is constantly adapted to meet where you are in your training; any injury or illness is quickly built in and you never feel that you are losing ground or fitness.

Regular weekly coaching calls give you the opportunity to celebrate success, vent frustration and ask every question that you have, and offers the room to be completely open about how you are doing and feeling; in fact, the more honest you are, the better it is. Advice goes further than just training, though: nutrition is discussed, and then nearer the event every detail is covered, from what you intend to wear to how you will cope with any problems you encounter on your day.

Whatever challenge you are looking to do there is no substitute for personal coaching. For me the biggest strength was that I knew Bee knew what she was doing and I didn’t – I could trust her to get it right and then I could focus on getting the set training done.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating: 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike ride and 26.2-mile run completed on 7th July in 14:22:55 – far beyond my expectations. A journey shared is always better than one taken alone. Thank you Bee.” 

PVS July 2013
